Rollinia (Annona mucosa)


Rollinia fruit is most described as tasting like lemon meringue pie. The lemony inside is creamy and has notes of pineapple and banana.


Rollinia fruit is most described as tasting like lemon meringue pie. The lemony inside is creamy and has notes of pineapple and banana. The first photo shows what the fruit looks like and the rest are of the actual plant, which was grown from seed of commercial varieties.

It is related to the cherimoya, however is more tropical. In order to thrive, it is recommended that this be planted in a greenhouse for additional heat. The tree is relatively easy to keep alive as long as its protected from frost and not too wet during winter, but will need to be in a warm spot (or with supplemental heating) to ripen fruit properly. It is more of a tree for collectors or those up to a challenge.

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